Protect Your Rights & Future With the Help of a Mesa DUI Lawyer

Have you been charged with driving under the influence? Turn to a Mesa DUI lawyer at Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense for the best legal defense in South Central Arizona.

Our Mesa DUI Lawyer Is On Your Side

If you’ve been charged with a DUI in Mesa, Arizona, you could be at risk of facing a criminal conviction. Depending on the specifics of your DUI case in the Mesa court system, you could be facing penalties such as heavy fines, a court-mandated ignition interlock device, mandatory drug and alcohol counseling, and even a prison sentence.

DUI cases are not considered to be a trivial matter by Mesa judges. So, if you are facing criminal charges like these, you’ll want to get in touch with a Mesa DUI lawyer from our team as soon as possible.


The Sooner You Consult a Mesa DUI Attorney, The Stronger Your Case

Arizona DUI laws are stringent, and if you’re facing a criminal charge after a DUI arrest, you could be subject to severe penalties if the Mesa courts decide to convict you. It is in your best interest to hire an experienced DUI attorney from our team who will do everything in their power to protect you from the life-altering consequences of a DUI conviction.

Remember, you have only 15 days to file or your driving privileges could be revoked. Get in touch with our Arizona law office as soon as possible and speak to a Mesa DUI attorney for a free consultation.


Why You Need an Experienced DUI Lawyer In Mesa, AZ

Not only can DUI convictions get your driver’s license taken away or require you to have an ignition interlock device installed in your car, but they will also show up on your criminal record. Offenders often experience severe consequences for their housing and job security, so it’s important to get in touch with a local law firm right away for legal advice regarding your criminal case.

If you’re facing charges in Mesa, San Tan, or Maricopa County, a DUI lawyer in Mesa, AZ with experience representing clients should be able to provide you with a free initial consultation.

Our Mesa DUI Lawyer Is On Your Side section

Speak with us about your case by calling (480) 582-3637 today!

How to Find the Best DUI Lawyer In Mesa, AZ

The DUI lawyers in your area are likely to vary in quality based on their levels of experience. That’s why it’s important to hire the best DUI lawyer in Mesa, AZ that you can find to defend you against the DUI prosecutor.

Ideally, you want to choose your representation from the attorneys with the most experience defending criminal cases. The more experience a lawyer has, the more familiar they’ll be with the opposition’s strategies.


Top-Rated Mesa Criminal Defense Attorney For DUI

If you’re looking for DUI attorneys with plenty of experience in DUI and criminal defense cases, look no further than the attorneys at Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense. Our law firm is home to Derek Oliverson and David Tangren, some of the most reputable DUI lawyers in Mesa.

Derek Oliverson, a former police officer, became very experienced with DUI criminal arrests through his career in law enforcement, and his insider expertise can be an advantage in the courtroom. David Tangren is a former prosecutor, so he knows exactly what to expect from the opposition and can always stay one step ahead.

These qualities make Oliverson Law ideal candidates when looking for a Mesa criminal defense attorney for DUI to represent your interests.


Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense: Your Trusted DUI Attorney In Mesa, AZ

If you choose to work with our firm, your local trusted Mesa criminal defense attorneys and DUI lawyers at Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense will be an indispensable resource for you in the Mesa city court. They value the attorney-client relationship and are familiar with the Arizona Department of Corrections and the Mesa municipal court system, so they’re more than prepared to handle your case.

Whether you need a DUI defense attorney or you’re facing charges for other criminal offenses such as reckless driving or domestic violence, it is in your best interest to contact our Mesa law firm. When you reach out, a reputable DUI attorney in Mesa, AZ will be happy to look over your case.

If you are facing charges in a criminal case in Phoenix, contact Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense today at (480) 582-3637 to schedule a free initial consultation with our criminal defense lawyers.

We’ve Helped Thousands.
We Can Help You Too.

Put an experienced team of former judges and prosecutors on your side.
How to Find the Best DUI Lawyer In Mesa AZ

Hire an Affordable Attorney For DUI In Mesa, Arizona

Not only does our law office offer legal representation from skilled DUI attorneys, but we also have affordable payment plans for those who need financial assistance. With these flexible options available, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain when you hire a reputable attorney for DUI in Mesa, Arizona.

Although each case is different, having DUI attorneys like us by your side will ensure you have a much better chance of avoiding conviction or significantly reducing the severity of your sentence.


A DUI Charges Attorney in Mesa Can Help You Understand What You’re Facing

There are several different types of DUI charges, all of which have distinct penalties.

A regular DUI charge and an under the influence of a valid prescription medication charge are both misdemeanors, and while they are still serious crimes, you won’t receive a sentence as severe as you would with a felony.

If you are facing either of these charges, a DUI charges attorney in Mesa can help you understand the specific legal repercussions associated with your case.


Navigating Extreme DUI Charges In Mesa, AZ

Extreme DUI charges in Mesa, AZ, differ from regular DUI charges based on the driver’s blood-alcohol level. When field sobriety tests indicate that a driver may be intoxicated, the police will likely administer a breathalyzer to determine these levels at the time of the incident before arresting the driver for suspected DUI

A driver with a blood-alcohol level of between 0.15 and 0.19 is considered an extreme DUI, while a BAC of 0.20 or higher is classified as a super extreme DUI.

These two types of charges are misdemeanors, but an aggravated DUI, which is the charge for driving aggressively under the influence, is a felony.

If you’ve facing super extreme or felony DUI charges, you need legal representation. Contact our attorneys at Oliverson Law today.

Hire an Affordable Attorney For DUI In Mesa Arizona

Consequences of a DUI Conviction In Mesa, AZ

If you, as a defendant, receive a DUI conviction in Mesa, AZ, the penalties will vary in severity depending on the nature of your specific charges. The possibilities include:

  • Jail time
  • Heavy fines
  • Mandatory counseling
  • Loss of driving privileges
  • Interlock device installation

Our DUI attorneys at Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense will make you aware of the potential legal repercussions that are relevant to your case. Contact our legal team to learn more about how we can help with your Mesa DUI case.


Contact an Experienced Mesa DUI Attorney Today

If you’re facing Mesa DUI charges, or if you’ve been charged with a DUI in other regions of the Phoenix Metro Area like Apache Junction, you’re at risk of facing serious legal repercussions. You’ll need an experienced criminal defense attorney by your side to assist you with your DUI case.

Contact an experienced Mesa DUI attorney today from our legal team for a free case evaluation. We look forward to assisting you.

Consequences of a DUI Conviction In Mesa AZ

Why Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense?

30 Years Experience Icon

Over 30 Years of Collective Experience

Over the length of their careers, the attorneys at Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense have helped thousands of people successfully fight their criminal charges.

Communicative & Responsive Icon

Highly Communicative & Responsive

Our attorneys will work closely with you, diligently keeping you fully informed and updated on your case from beginning to end.

Judge and Prosecutors Icon

Former Judge and Prosecutors

As former prosecutors, police officers and judges, our attorneys have experience on all sides of the law. This special insight allows them to better defend your case.

Team Approach Icon

Team Approach to Your Case

At Oliverson Law DUI & Criminal Defense, you get access to multiple experienced attorneys who work together to achieve the best possible result for you.

Awards & Associations

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Let's fix that. Schedule a free consultation today.

Tempe Criminal Defense Lawyers

Hire a Tempe Criminal Lawyer If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, the criminal defense lawyers in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC are here to help. Our Tempe, Arizona criminal defense lawyers can review your case, review the evidence against you, and fight to either get your charges dropped or reduced. Every criminal case is unique. If the state’s evidence is strong, the criminal defense lawyers in Tempe, Arizona may be able to work with prosecutors to help you secure a plea deal or see if there are diversion programs available to help you get your charges reduced or dropped. For example, with certain drug crimes or DUIs, diversion programs or substance abuse treatment programs may be alternatives that can help you avoid some of the more serious penalties of a criminal conviction. When it comes to fighting a criminal arrest or charge, it helps to have a criminal defense lawyer on your side who understands the criminal justice system from multiple perspectives. The criminal defense lawyers in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC include a former judge, former prosecutor, and former police officer on our team. We understand criminal prosecution and criminal cases from diverse angles. Using this knowledge, we can work with you to build the strongest possible case and help you navigate the criminal justice system.

According to Tempe, Arizona’s crime statistics and reports, some of the most commonly reported crimes include assaults, aggravated assaults, theft, burglary, and motor vehicle theft. Oliverson Law, PLLC is a criminal defense law firm in Tempe, Arizona that helps individuals facing assault charges, theft charges, burglary charges, and motor vehicle charges fight these charges and arrests. We handle a wide range of criminal cases including domestic violence cases (that include assault or aggravated assault charges), theft charges, drug crime charges, property crime charges, and more. If you are facing criminal charges in Tempe, Arizona, you don’t have to navigate the criminal justice system alone. Reach out to the criminal defense lawyers in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC today.

Misdemeanor Lawyers in Tempe, Arizona

The misdemeanor lawyers in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC help individuals fight a wide range of criminal charges. There is a wide range of crimes that can be classified as misdemeanors in Tempe, Arizona. Here are some examples of misdemeanor crimes that our misdemeanor lawyers handle.

  • Misdemeanor DUI. Most DUIs are misdemeanor crimes, especially first-time DUIs. However, if this is your third DUI in seven years, or if you were found to be driving while under the influence on a suspended license, your DUI could be charged as a felony. While misdemeanor crimes are seen as less serious than felony crimes, a misdemeanor DUI can have a major impact on your life. For example, a misdemeanor DUI could result in the suspension of your driver’s license, jail time, fines, required alcohol education courses, and the required use of an ignition interlock device if you are permitted to drive. Collateral consequences can include the loss of certain professional driving licenses and increased insurance costs. If you are facing misdemeanor DUI charges in Tempe, Arizona, reach out to the misdemeanor lawyers at Oliverson Law, PLLC today. Our Tempe, Arizona misdemeanor lawyers can review your case and fight to help you get the best outcome possible.
  • Domestic Violence Misdemeanor. Domestic violence can be charged as either a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the kind of violent offense being charged. Domestic violence falls under a wide umbrella of potential crimes, including assault and aggravated assault. If this is your first time domestic violence charge and if your charge is assault and doesn’t involve serious bodily harm, you might be facing misdemeanor domestic violence charges. While misdemeanor charges might seem more minor than felony charges, having a domestic violence conviction on your record can have a serious impact on your reputation and your future. For example, you could be required to surrender any firearms you own and may not be able to obtain firearms in the future. You might end up subject to a restraining order or protective order. Finally, collateral consequences can include loss of custody of your children or restrictions placed on visitation rights. First-time domestic violence offenders may have options, however. For example, first-time offenders might sometimes be offered the opportunity to participate in a diversion program. A misdemeanor attorney in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC may be able to help you if you are facing domestic violence charges. We understand that the relationship dynamics that can lead to these types of charges can be complicated, and it is not unheard of for victims of domestic violence to face domestic violence charges.
  • Misdemeanor Drug Crimes. The difference between a misdemeanor and felony drug crime typically is distinguished based on the type of drug allegedly found in a person’s possession and the quantity of the substance found in a person’s possession. If police don’t believe you possessed a controlled substance with the intent to sell it, you could be facing misdemeanor rather than felony charges. Yet, drug charges can quickly escalate to more serious felony or even federal charges if police suspect that you possessed drugs with the intent to sell, or believed you were going to transport drugs across state lines. If you are facing misdemeanor drug crime charges, it is important to take these charges seriously. Even if you don’t spend a single day in jail, you could still face serious collateral consequences with a drug crime conviction on your record. Individuals facing first-time drug crime charges might be able to take their case to drug court, where they may have the option of receiving treatment and assistance for a drug addiction or substance abuse dependency. Successful completion of these programs can result in reduced or dropped drug convictions. If you are facing drug crime charges, contact the misdemeanor lawyers in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC. Our misdemeanor attorneys in Tempe, Arizona can review your case and help you explore the options available to you.
  • Misdemeanor Theft Crimes. The value of items allegedly stolen in a theft crime charge will typically determine whether a theft crime is charged as a felony or misdemeanor. A misdemeanor lawyer in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC can review the state’s process for determining the value of property stolen and can sometimes challenge the alleged value of the property. A misdemeanor lawyer in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC can also review the evidence against you and fight your theft crime charges. Theft crimes can include burglary, shoplifting, auto theft, and more.

If you are facing arrest or criminal charges for a misdemeanor, it is important to take your charges seriously. Misdemeanor convictions and a criminal record can have a serious impact on your life and future. When your reputation, your freedom, and your rights are on the line, you need a misdemeanor lawyer in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC who can fight for your rights.

Trespassing Lawyer in Tempe, Arizona

Criminal trespassing in Arizona can be charged as either a misdemeanor or felony, though typically, criminal trespassing is charged as a misdemeanor. If you remain on a property after being asked to leave, you could face charges of criminal trespassing in the third degree, and if you knowingly remain inside a commercial property or fenced-in commercial area, you could face charges of criminal trespassing in the second degree. First-degree criminal trespassing involves trespassing into residential property or trespassing with the intention of violating a person’s privacy. The severity of criminal trespassing charges is typically split along the lines of whether you are accused of entering a residential property or commercial property. It is a more serious misdemeanor to enter a residential property illegally.

However, you could face more serious criminal penalties, including felony charges, if police believe you entered any property with the intention to steal. This could lead to burglary charges, which can result in higher penalties and even a felony charge. If you are facing trespassing charges or were arrested for trespassing, it is important to speak to a trespassing lawyer in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC.

Trespassing, when viewed in the context of domestic violence, divorce, or separation, could also involve greater complexity in terms of investigation and conviction. For example, if you and your former partner separated, but didn’t divorce, you may still own a home or a rental unit in both your names and may share rights to a property. If your former partner doesn’t have a restraining order against you, and if your separation isn’t formalized or finalized, you may still have a right to enter a shared property. The situation can be more complicated if one partner moves out but then returns to the shared property for legitimate reasons. The former partner may need to show that the other partner moved out and had no valid reason to be on the property. When it comes to domestic situations, criminal trespassing charges can have an added layer of complexity. It can help to have a trespassing lawyer in Tempe, Arizona if you are facing trespassing charges in the context of domestic violence, or in the context of a domestic dispute.

A trespassing lawyer in Tempe, Arizona may be able to defend your trespassing case using several defenses. Sometimes trespassing is the result of a misunderstanding between two people. Sometimes property owners fail to put up signs, or signs are hidden. Other times, a person was simply crossing a property trying to get somewhere else or to protect themselves or their property. The trespassing lawyers in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC can review your case to build a strong trespassing defense.

Contact a Criminal Lawyer in Tempe, Arizona Today

A criminal lawyer in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC can help you and your family if you or someone you love is facing criminal charges, arrest, or a criminal investigation. If you have been arrested or charged with a crime, you might be embarrassed, frightened, and not sure what your next steps should be. It can sometimes be difficult to navigate the criminal justice system. If you are facing police questioning, or are under investigation, it is important to know your rights and options to protect yourself and your family. The criminal lawyers in Tempe, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC can stand beside you every step of the way and help you navigate the criminal justice system. Every case is unique. In some cases, we might be able to help you get your charges dropped or reduced, and in other instances, we might be able to help you access diversion programs and explore other options.

Aggravated Assault Charges


If you are facing a police investigation, criminal charges, or arrest, it is important to understand your rights. For example, if you have been arrested, you have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask to speak to your lawyer. If you ask to speak to your criminal attorney, your criminal defense attorney can stand beside you during future police questioning. Anything you say or do during a police investigation can be used against you. If you are facing criminal charges, you may want to speak to a Tempe, Arizona criminal lawyer today to protect your rights.

If you have been arrested, charged, or are under investigation for a crime, you are innocent until proven guilty. The Tempe, Arizona criminal lawyers at Oliverson Law, PLLC are here to help you fight your charges and defend your innocence and your reputation. Much may be at stake when it comes to a criminal charge. You could be facing jail time, fines, and collateral consequences. Your reputation could be on the line. With so much at stake, you need a criminal defense attorney on your side. Reach out to the Tempe, Arizona criminal defense attorneys at Oliverson Law, PLLC today. We can review your case and help you understand and navigate the next steps. You don’t have to navigate the criminal justice system alone.

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About Tempe, AZ

Tempe ( tem-PEE; Oidbaḍ in O'odham), is a city in Maricopa County, Arizona, United States, with the Census Bureau reporting a 2017 population of 185,038. The city is named after the Vale of Tempe in Greece. Tempe is located in the East Valley section of metropolitan Phoenix; it is bordered by Phoenix and Guadalupe on the west, Scottsdale and the Salt River Pima–Maricopa Indian Community on the north, Chandler on the south, and Mesa on the east. Tempe is also the location of the main campus of Arizona State University.

Bus Stops in Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Tempe TC Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Priest Dr & Washington St Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Tempe Amtrak Bus Stop Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Harold St & Tempe Dr (Flag Zone) Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in University Dr & College Av Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Baseline Rd & Priest Dr Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in University Dr & Price Rd Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in University Dr & Mill Av Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Curry Rd & McClintock Dr Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Tempe TC Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in University Dr & Rural Rd Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Miller Rd & Marny Dr Tempe, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Map of Tempe, AZ