Kingman DUI Lawyers
If you have been arrested or charged with a DUI, you may want to contact the DUI lawyers in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC. DUI charges can be challenging to fight, but when you have a team of former police officers, prosecutors, and judges on your side, you can bring forth the best possible defense to challenge a DUI arrest and charges. Oliverson Law, PLLC have received national recognition, including a Premier 100 rating from the American Academy of Trial Lawyers, a top ten ranking from the National Academy of Trial Lawyers, and has been ranked in the top one percent by the National Association of Distinguished Counsel. When your future, your driving privileges, your reputation, and other major rights are on the line, you need a DUI lawyer in Kingman, Arizona that can fight your charges and get you the best possible outcome for your case. Reach out to the DUI lawyers in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC today.
How a DUI Defense Attorney in Kingman, Arizona Can Help You
A DUI defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC can help you by fighting to have your charges reduced or dropped, depending on the evidence police were able to gather during your traffic stop. Our DUI defense attorneys in Kingman, Arizona understand the ways that DUI arrests can go wrong, understand common errors that can occur when police gather evidence, and can review your case to see whether you were stopped legally and to see whether evidence gathered at the scene is admissible. We understand that a DUI conviction can carry collateral consequences in addition to the common consequences of a suspended driver’s license and even jail time.
Because of Arizona’s implied consent laws, police have the authority to suspend your driver’s license for up to one year if you refuse to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test if a police officer suspects that you were driving while under the influence. Police cannot compel you to take a breath, blood, or urine test unless they have a warrant. That said, they still have the power to suspend your driver’s license if you assert these rights. Though the police have many options when it comes to performing a DUI investigation and when it comes to gathering evidence in Arizona, the DUI defense attorneys in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC may still be able to help you build the strongest possible case.
How can a DUI defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona fight your DUI charges, get your charges dropped, or get your charges reduced? Here are some ways our DUI defense attorneys in Kingman, Arizona may be able to help you:
- Challenge Blood Alcohol Concentration Measurements. Breathalyzers may not always be properly calibrated and maintained to accurately measure blood alcohol concentration. If the only evidence police have against you consists of breathalyzer readings, a DUI defense attorney in Kingman, Arizona may be able to fight for your rights. If you were subjected to a blood or urine test, your DUI defense lawyer can look at the chain of evidence and look specifically at the type of test used. A ProPublica investigative report from 2016, found that police across the nation were using inexpensive drug test kits to detect for illegal drugs. These field test kits were found to be unreliable and prone to errors. ProPublica reported that these test kits sometimes produced false positive results which could result in wrongful convictions. In fact, according to ProPublica, “there’s no way to quantify exactly how many times these tests were wrong or how many innocent people pled guilty based on the inaccurate results.” Drug labs failed to identify an error rate. A DUI defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona can review the type of drug testing used to secure your DUI arrest or conviction and challenge the results if faulty test kits might have been used or if there’s a chance that the results could be in error. Before you plead guilty because a police field test produced a positive result, you might want to speak to a Kingman, Arizona DUI defense attorney at Oliverson Law, PLLC. At least 100,000 people each year plead guilty to charges resulting from positive field tests results. These individuals may not always be aware of the high error rate of these tests. Many of these pleas were made before samples could be confirmed in a lab and were secured by prosecutors during preliminary hearings. Before you accept a plea deal, you might want to speak to a Kingman, Arizona DUI defense attorney who can review the evidence against you and determine whether initial field tests have been substantiated by further tests in the lab. In many cases involving the use of field tests, judges and prosecutors have left it up to defense attorneys to challenge the validity of the tests’ results.
- Question Field Sobriety Tests. Individuals with certain medical conditions or disabilities can face DUI charges if police only use field sobriety tests to evaluate sobriety. These tests can be highly subjective, and the evaluation police officers make on the field needs to be corroborated with proper laboratory results.
- Question the Legality of Your Police Stop. If police stopped you and then subjected you to field sobriety tests or asked you to take further sobriety tests, evidence can be dropped or be found inadmissible in court if the police stop was found to be illegal. Police must have probable cause to stop you. Racial profiling and other problems can result in illegal stops.
- Question Whether You Were in Control of the Vehicle. If you decided to sleep in your vehicle after drinking, but had no intention of driving, police may still try to claim you were “in control” of the vehicle. A DUI defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC may be able to help you fight these accusations.
These are just some of the kinds of defenses that may be available to you if you are facing DUI charges or have been arrested for the DUI. Police have major resources when it comes to securing a conviction. You need a DUI defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona who can fight for your freedom and for your rights just as hard.
Contact a Drunk Driving Attorney in Kingman, Arizona Today
If you have been arrested for a DUI or have been recently charged with a DUI, time is of the essence. You might need immediate independent testing to question or confirm police test results. If you have been arrested or have had your driver’s license suspended, consider reaching out to the drunk driving attorneys in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC right away. We are here to help. You are innocent until proven guilty.
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About Kingman, AZ
The U. S. Post Office is a historic building located at 310 North Fourth Street in Kingman, Arizona. The post office was built in 1935. The design of the post office is Period Revival with Italian influence. Louis A. Simon was the Supervisor Architect and Neal A. Melick was the Supervisor Engineer. The first post office building for Kingman, the earlier post offices were located in stores. Today the post office is owned by the City of Kingman and is used for office space in the downtown area. It is across the street from the Little Red School and around the corner of the street of the old Elks Lodge.