Kingman Criminal Defense Lawyers

Hire a Kingman AZ Criminal Lawyer If you are facing criminal charges or have been arrested, the criminal lawyers in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC are here to help. If you have been arrested or are under criminal investigation, your freedom, your reputation, and your future is on the line. Oliverson Law, PLLC is a criminal law firm in Kingman, Arizona that helps clients facing serious criminal charges. Our nationally recognized team of criminal lawyers can review your case to determine whether your charges can be dropped, reduced, or fought in court. We help clients facing a wide range of criminal charges including:

  • DUI Charges
  • Domestic Violence Charges
  • Drug Crime Charges
  • Theft Crime Charges
  • Burglary Charges
  • Misdemeanor Charges
  • Felony Charges

While misdemeanor criminal charges typically carry less jail time and fewer penalties than felony charges, misdemeanor charges can still carry serious collateral consequences, even if you don’t end up serving jail time after a criminal conviction. If you are thinking of taking a plea deal or thinking of pleading guilty, you may want to speak to a criminal defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC. While every person facing criminal charges has the right to representation by a lawyer, public defenders might have only a limited time to work on a case. If you are looking to get the best possible outcome for your criminal case, you might want to consider working with a criminal defense law firm in Kingman, Arizona that has been nationally recognized to get results. Our team of criminal defense lawyers have worked as police officers, judges, and prosecutors, which gives us perspective when handling your case. Contact the criminal defense lawyers in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC today.

Collateral Consequences and Criminal Defense in Kingman, Arizona 

A plea deal may not always be the victory it seems to be. If you end up with a misdemeanor on your criminal record, you could face serious collateral consequences for your criminal conviction, even if you end up not spending a single day in jail. These consequences can have a greater impact on your life than you might realize. According to the Vera Institute, collateral consequences of even a minor drug conviction or a minor misdemeanor, or even just an interaction with police can include:

  • Family Separation. Parents who are arrested or who are convicted of even minor crimes are at greater risk of being involved with child protective services. These parents might find themselves facing ongoing involvement of the child welfare system, the potential removal of children, or ongoing interaction with child protective services, even if their crimes were only minor. According to the Vera Institute, once child protective services become involved, parents can face ongoing surveillance. They may have to face regular drug testing, unplanned child welfare visits, and court appearances.
  • Unemployment and Difficulty Securing Jobs. According to the Vera Institute, a misdemeanor conviction can reduce a person’s earning capacity by as much as 16 percent, and time in prison can reduce a person’s earning capacity by half. Employers who conduct background checks might learn about a person’s criminal history, which could result in employment issues. Some criminal convictions can even result in the loss of a person’s professional license or make it very difficult for a person to obtain certain professional licenses.
  • Due to changes in immigration laws, certain criminal convictions can put immigrants at risk of deportation or at risk of losing their immigration status. Even people who have been long-term permanent residents could lose the ability to gain citizenship.
  • Housing Challenges. A criminal conviction can lead to eviction. Some renters may not rent to individuals after they see a criminal conviction in their background check, and some public housing programs bar individuals with criminal convictions from securing public housing. Individuals with criminal convictions may have greater difficulty securing loans, including home loans.
  • Public Benefits. Individuals who have been convicted of certain crimes can be barred from accessing programs like SNAP and other public benefits, like Medicaid.
  • Individuals with criminal records may not be able to secure federally subsidized loans and may also face discrimination when applying for school admissions.
  • Loss of Rights. Individuals charged with DUIs could lose their driver’s license, and in some states, individuals who have been convicted of a felony can lose the right to vote.

These are just some of the collateral consequences individuals might face. Other consequences can include higher insurance rates and added challenges in accessing programs, jobs, and aid. When a person facing criminal charges agrees to a plea deal to avoid jail time, he or she may not always realize the other consequences he or she might be taking on. This is where a criminal defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona can help you navigate the criminal justice system and understand the consequences of taking a plea deal. If you find yourself facing arrest or criminal charges, consider reaching out to the Kingman criminal defense attorneys at Oliverson Law, PLLC. We can take the time to help you understand your options and the potential solutions available given your situation.

When facing criminal charges, much may be on the line. Your future job opportunities, your reputation, your family, and your freedom may be at stake. The Kingman, Arizona criminal defense attorneys at Oliverson Law, PLLC know what is on the line. We are here to help you fight your charges and find a path forward that works.

What to Do If You’ve Been Arrested in Kingman, Arizona

If you’ve been arrested in Kingman, Arizona, it is important to remember your rights. You have the right to remain silent and have the right to ask to speak to your lawyer. Anything you say to police or investigators can be used against you in court. Before signing or agreeing to anything, you might want to speak to a criminal defense lawyer in Kingman, Arizona as soon as possible. Too many people plead guilty to crimes when they are innocent without realizing that the case against them is rather weak.

If you have been arrested, you will likely be given the opportunity to make a phone call. It is important to understand that anything you say to family or friends on the phone will likely be monitored, and anything other people say to you will also be monitored. If you choose to call a criminal defense attorney in Kingman, Arizona, your phone call cannot be monitored. If you are under investigation for a crime, you might want to have your criminal defense lawyer’s number ready, just in case you find yourself under arrest.

If you have been arrested for a DUI, it’s likely the police may already have evidence against you, given the wide range of options police have when they suspect a DUI. Reaching out to a Kingman, Arizona criminal lawyer as soon as possible is important. The misdemeanor attorneys in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC may be able to help you take steps to protect your rights after a DUI arrest or after the loss of your license.

If you’ve been arrested or find yourself under criminal investigation, the criminal defense lawyers in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC are here to help. We can review the circumstances of your arrest, review the evidence police have against you, and help you understand your rights and next steps. Contact our criminal lawyers in Kingman, Arizona today to learn more.

Misdemeanor Lawyer in Kingman, Arizona 

Misdemeanor charges are more minor than felony charges and tend to carry shorter jail times. While misdemeanor charges are indeed not as serious as felony charges, the collateral consequences of a misdemeanor conviction can be just as serious. There are three classes of misdemeanors in Arizona.

  • Class One Misdemeanor. DUI offenses, domestic violence, drug crimes, and some theft crimes (involving property or services where the value of property or services is less than $1000), are considered class one misdemeanors. Other class one misdemeanors include indecent exposure, arson, disorderly conduct, cruelty to animals, gambling, prostitution, driving on a suspended license, and other crimes. If you are convicted of a class one misdemeanor, you could face up to six months in jail and a fine of up to $2000 (Arizona Law 13-802; Arizona Law 13-707).
  • Class Two Misdemeanor. Criminal trespass, underage alcohol consumption, game and fish violations, and reckless driving are considered class-two misdemeanors. Class 2 misdemeanors carry fines of up to $750 and up to four months in jail.
  • Class 3 Misdemeanor. Criminal trespass in the third degree, excessive speed violations, fireworks violations, and more are class three misdemeanors. Class three misdemeanors carry fines up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail.

If you are facing misdemeanor charges, the misdemeanor lawyers in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC may be able to help. Our attorneys can review the details of your case, look at the evidence police might have against you, and help you navigate the next steps. Misdemeanor charges can carry serious collateral consequences, even when a person convicted doesn’t face jail time. The misdemeanor lawyers in Kingman, Arizona at Oliverson Law, PLLC are here to help you.

Have you already pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor or were convicted of a misdemeanor? The misdemeanor attorneys in Kingman, Arizona may also be able to help you get a misdemeanor charge sealed from your record. If your record can be sealed, this can help protect your reputation and may be able to help you avoid some of the serious collateral consequences that individuals face after a misdemeanor conviction. The sealing of Arizona criminal records falls under Arizona Law 13-911. If you have paid all your fines and served your time in jail, you may have the option to seal your records. The Kingman, Arizona misdemeanor attorneys at Oliverson Law, PLLC may be able to help you.

Trespassing Lawyer in Kingman, Arizona

Criminal trespass is either a felony or misdemeanor offense in Arizona depending on the situation. Whether you will face misdemeanor or felony charges will depend on the severity of your trespassing charges. Misdemeanor trespassing charges usually follow from situations where a person remained on private property after they were asked to leave or situations where a person was found on private property. Felony trespass often involves more serious trespassing violations. A trespassing lawyer in Kingman, Arizona can review the charges and evidence against you and help you understand your options. If you are facing felony trespassing violations, our Kingman, Arizona trespassing attorneys may be able to fight to get your charges reduced or dropped. Our Kingman, Arizona trespassing lawyers can also use a range of defense strategies to fight your trespassing charges

For example, some trespassing arrests are the result of misunderstandings or confusion. If you believed you had permission to be on the property, had a key to the property, or weren’t aware you were on private land when you were arrested for trespassing, a trespassing lawyer in Kingman, Arizona may be able to help you build a defense.

If you are facing trespassing charges in Kingman, Arizona, you could be looking at serious consequences. Not only might you be facing jail or prison time, and fines, but you also might be looking at collateral consequences if you are convicted. When your future and your freedom is on the line, you need a trespassing lawyer in Kingman, Arizona that has your back. Reach out to Oliverson Law, PLLC today to learn more about how we might be able to help you with your case.

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Contact a Kingman, Arizona Criminal Defense Lawyer Today

The Kingman, Arizona criminal defense lawyers at Oliverson Law, PLLC know how stressful it can be to face criminal charges or to be under arrest. If you are under police investigation, you might not know what to do, and may be frightened. A criminal defense attorney in Kingman, Arizona can help you navigate the criminal justice system, stand beside you if you are facing police questioning, and help you understand your options going forward. We can perform our own investigation, gather evidence, speak to witnesses, and help to build the strongest possible case. If you or someone you love is facing arrest or criminal charges, having a strong criminal defense is important. The criminal defense lawyers in Kingman, Arizona are here to help you every step of the way. You are innocent until proven guilty and have a right to see your day in court. You don’t have to navigate the legal system alone. Let the Kingman, Arizona criminal defense lawyers at Oliverson Law, PLLC fight for you.


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About Kingman, AZ

The U. S. Post Office is a historic building located at 310 North Fourth Street in Kingman, Arizona. The post office was built in 1935. The design of the post office is Period Revival with Italian influence. Louis A. Simon was the Supervisor Architect and Neal A. Melick was the Supervisor Engineer. The first post office building for Kingman, the earlier post offices were located in stores. Today the post office is owned by the City of Kingman and is used for office space in the downtown area. It is across the street from the Little Red School and around the corner of the street of the old Elks Lodge.

Neighborhoods in Kingman, AZ

Bus Stops in Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Kingman Area Regional Transit (KART) Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Kingman Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Bus stop Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in TUFESA Kingman Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Greyhound: Bus Station Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Kingman Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Kingman Station Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Express Stop Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in 610 Kingman Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in USA TRAVEL CENTER Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Kingman (Love's) Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

Bus Stop in Dillon Transportation, LLC Kingman, AZ to Oliverson Law PLLC

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